Mr. Shailesh Amrutlal Parmar embarked on the journey envisioning to serve the people delivering quality in the field of clinical laboratory. Amrit Laboratory started its journey in 15 August 1991 in Prabhas Patan. Mr. Shailesh Parmar passed out his B.Sc with special subject Microbiology from Sir P.P Institute of science Bhavnagar and D.M.L.T. from K.J.Mehta T.B.Hospital, Amargadh.
Accumulating experience and knowledge of the field after working in Prabhas Patan for a year we shifted our laboratory to Veraval in 16 May 1993.
From the day We started laboratory in Veraval we decided to deliver the best we can and have a legacy mark in what we do as it had a plethora of opportunities. It was the historic moment when the only till now laboratory being certified in the entire Gir Somnath district as ISO 9001:2008 as of now it is upgraded to....... ISO 9001:2015.
To put it another way We were constantly updating ourselves with new skills, new technologies and upgrading with new types of equipment.
We were the first in the entire District to install 3 Part Blood Cell Counter, 6 Part Blood Cell Counter, Dry Chemistry Electrolyte Analyzer.
The First has a place in the history and rest have in the mystery, We are the again first in the entire Gir Somnath District to launch the website and expanding ourselves digitally.
At last There is a Japanese concept known as 'Ikigai' meaning Life's Purpose.
We at Amrit laboratory having an unremitting obsession and our ikigai is to serve the people who need us the most in the field of health with the motto where Quality is our first preference that will make us deliver accurate results with excellent performance till Amrit Laboratory has its presence in Veraval.
Consistent and accurate diagnosis has always been our core strength.
We understand our patients and their requirement, so quality in terms of turnaround time, promptness in reporting and service are first priority.